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Trash Piles

We have a compost pile in our backyard. It’s been satisfying to compost. I feel like I’m being far less wasteful.

Recently, we’ve discovered that we have a few avocado plants growing out of the compost pile. 

New life out of decay. 


Have you ever been in a setting where someone told you to lay your problems at the feet of Jesus?

I have, regularly.

It’s a comforting thought, to be able to take our burdens off our own shoulders and place them at the feet of the loving Father. 

This morning I considered the imagery in a new light: What if we all get to the end of our lives and find ourselves standing with heaping piles of trash around us from all the things we’ve laid at His feet? 

I’m talking a landfill high enough to at least come up to His ankles. While that doesn’t sound high, consider He is the God of the universe so His feet are massive.

Our worldly problems, when held in the light of eternity, really are just that: trash. A touch aggressive, but you get my point.

Taking the analogy further, the Lord started to show me what His redemptive work would look like where those mountains of trash are concerned. He is actually constantly turning our trash, our waste, our decay, into compostable material, fit to produce new life. 

His redemption turns our trash piles into a compost pile. 

Which brings us back to the avocado plants. When was the last time you really looked and understood the redemptive work of the Lord in your life? Spend some time asking Him what good may be growing out of the many things you’ve laid at His feet.

You might just find yourself with some unexpected new life.

PS Respond in the comments if you compost along with the weirdest thing you’ve ever composted!