
Prayer, at least my perception of it, has been changing lately. 

Maybe it’s because I was invited to be part of the prayer team at church. Or maybe it’s something new the Lord is doing in my life. 

Probably both. I’m not a believer in coincidences. 

This verse, in particular, has given me a new motivation for prayer:

And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.

Revelation 5:8

...golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people…

Now, I realize the book of Revelation can be confusing and intimidating, however, this imagery is beautiful! Our prayers become incense to honor the Lord.

I’ve known prayer serves multiple purposes, one of which is speaking with God. That in it of itself is a mighty purpose indeed! This verse reminds me that my prayers become part of a beautiful display of worship, along with my fellow believers. 

My prayers not only allow me connection with the Creator of the universe, but they are also an expression of worship.

To be honest, it makes me want to pray without ceasing (which, funny enough, we’re instructed to do) so I know there is an ample supply of incense in heaven. 

I want to be incensed. Not in the sense of rage, but so immersed in prayer that I become an incense supplier. Incense and incense are actually two different words (English is so confusing), but both from a Latin root word meaning “to set on fire.” You’re burning up either way, it just depends on whether it’s from a fire taking the form of an offering of prayer or anger. 

I’ll pick the fire.

Do you think our prayers all produce a similar aroma? Or do we each have our own unique scent? I hope it’s the second one. 

Let’s push to be incense suppliers, for our God deserves that and more.